DSP- Boys message and Notices

Monday, September 6, 2010

[2010.08.29] HJB- Birthday MV n Song by SGTripleS

I am so very happy when the song and music video by SGTripleS for baby was played over Baby's singapore showcase on 29 August. This was made extra special because baby actually watched it backstage on the big screen. We can tell he was touched. Mini and I were at backstage preparing the cake and present for Baby. After his last games with the fans on stage, due to time constraints, when the music video was played as a surprise for Baby, he quickly went backstage to have his makeup and hair done for his last song.

Both of us can tell he was surprised when he started hearing his voice and singing started. However, he cannot turn because the makeup artists and stylists were beside him. After he viewed himself on mirror, he quickly went to the laptop to watch the music video, not aware that both me and mini were observing him from backstage.

He wanted to see the full screen so he went behind the curtain to watch as the Music video was played on stage. His manager saw the full video and was beside him patting his back. Think he must be really touched by the video. At the end of the video, he went to the stage. That's when mini and I surprised him with a lighted birthday cake and present. He stared at the words on the cake (Happy birthday) for a long time and the fans sang birthday song in English for him. He then blew off the candles and the fans sang a Korean version of birthday song for him. He just smiled. When we passed the present to him and showed him the ipad cover, he seemed to love it as it has a cute cartoon of himself. He kept shaking me and mini's hands and thanking us.. urm,, I was so nervous I didn't know what to do, and urm, I think I kinda looked at him expectingly and he hugged both me and mini..keke.. and I did a heart beam to him.. but sigh,, he didn't catch it..keke..

Anyways, here's the video. I'm especially happy cos the Music video and lyrics was by me and the great tune was by Jingjing and of course the GREAT singing was by the SGTripleS. From what we can tell, Baby was very touched by the song and MV.. so to us, it's a great achievement.. and of course, we got all the positive comments from fans including Korea (Pretty Boy website and SS601.com) who were equally touched by the song and video. That's what made me feel even happier still..keke..

The above is the Showcase version. I actually did an original MV version with ending credits and more Music high vids per below: In the end, it seems most people prefer the above showcase version I did instead of the original one..keke.. but the original one I like the last scene of all the boys playing with Baby at Music high though..keke

BElow are the comments in Korean.. waiting for dear Lois sister to translate.

CREDITS: Pretty Boy (kimhyungjunkr) :


영상 보는데 제가 생각하고 있던 준이에 대한 마음이 그대로 담겨 있어서 놀랬어요..ㅠㅠ
가사 하나 하나가 얼마나 마음으로 만들었지 준이를 사랑하는 사람이라면 다 느껴질 그런 노래네요.
제가 받은 감동의 몇십배 몇백배 준이가 받았을거라 생각합니다..ㅠㅠ
이렇게 해외팬들도 준이 마음을 알아 주니 앞으로 진짜 잘 될 일만 남았어요..^^

저도 보면서 넘 감동받아서ㅠㅡㅠ
작사는 맞는데 작곡까지일까요?
나와서 보고 감동받은 준 님표정 을 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

3) eclat 형준
가슴이 뭉클.. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ


어떤 영상일까 궁금한 마음에 클릭해놓고 마구마구 돌려보고 있어요ㅠㅠㅠ..
정말 팬분들 보는눈은 다 같은가봐요. 가사도 어쩜 저렇게 잘 쓰시고 노래도 어찌나 잘 부르시는지
완전 감동이네요ㅠㅠ

6)해맑은 준
여러번 봤어요. 넘 감동이네요.
형준이가 이 영상을 보고 눈물이 글썽이지 않을수 없겠는데요?
먼 나라에서 새벽마다 못 알아듣는 한국어로 진행하는 형준이의 라디오를 듣고 형준이의 일거수일투족을 다 알고 있는게 뭔가 신기하기도 하구 뭉클하기도 하네요.

폭풍감동감동........정말 뭉클한 영상입니다.....
싱가폴 팬분들 그 따뜻하고 순수한(요즘 이런단어 참 오글거린다고 생각하고 거의 죽은언어라 생각했는데....이렇게 부활..)
맘들이 가슴을 울리네요.

진ㅉㅏ 감동이네여ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

9)진혜옥 Liz
ㅠㅠ 정말 감동해요 ㅠㅠ

네~ 저도 현장에서 보고 감동했어요~
뭉클해서 눈물 날 뻔 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

저 원래 이런 영상 잘 클릭안해보는데 한번 봤더니...wow! 가사가 정말 감동적이군요. 진짜 짠해요...

벌써 여러번 봤는데 또 보게 되네요. 너무 감동이라...
보면 볼수록 가사가 더 마음에 와 닿아요.
준이에 대한 애정이 한 가득 느껴집니다~~~

와 정말 순간 눈물이 핑도네요ㅠㅠ..
형준오빠도 이 영상을 본 모양이네요ㅠㅠ
진짜 가사가 다 제 마음이고 준오빠 아끼는 모든 팬분들의 마음이라고 생각해요ㅠㅠ
사는 곳이나 하는 말은 달라도 팬들 마음은 다 같은 거네요ㅠㅠ 싱가폴 팬분들 정말 짱이십니다ㅠㅠ

CREDITS: SS601.com\SGTripleS with English translation by Lois :

1) Comments by Poster
싱가폴 팬분들께서 집접 작사 작곡 하신곡이라고하네요^^
형준오빠 그리고 ss501에대한 팬분들의 사랑은 세계를 뛰어넘는것같아요~
This is written by SG TripleS. I think The love for Hyung Joon & SS501 is all over the world.

2) 내맘속영생♡
우와 노래 진짜 좋고 감동이에요 ㅠㅠ 눙물날꺼가틈 ㅠㅠㅠ 해외팬분들 짱짱 ~!!! 감사합니다 ㅠ
Wow~ This song is very good and touching. I feel like I'm crying. Overseas Fans. You are great!! Thank you.

3) 엘로이사
정말 오랜만에 로긴하네요... 
제가 다 감동을 받아서 눈물이 맺혔네요^^ 그래도 끝엔 "보라돌이~"덕에 푸핫! 
헤이고.. 막내가 안에서 보면서 울었다니.. 맘이 쨘.. 
나중에.. 형준이 말대로 나중에 저런 자리에서 이거 막내나 5이서 같이 직접 불러주면.. 참 좋겠네요;; 웃기려나;; 
anyway, 싱가폴 팬들 멋집니다!! ^^
I've logged after long interval. I've got tears in my eyes. but I laught with the end cause of "Boradori". I've heard that Maknae cried in backstage. I feel sad.
As Hyung Joon said before, Isn't it good if Maknae or SS501 would sing that song. hm..Will it be funny? Anyway, Singapore Fans are wonderful!

4) 촐옹
ㅠㅠㅠ 소름돋앗어여 진짜 감사하다는 말밖에 안나오네요 ㅠㅠㅠ
I got goose bumps. I just want to say thank you. T.T.

5) 현생규민준z
It gave me goose bumps. Really DaeBak...I'm in tears

아..ㅠㅠ 들으면서..정말...울 수 밖에 없었던... 
(아우..계속 눈물이 흐르네요...ㅠㅠ) 
......정말.. 뭐라고 할 수 없을 정도로........ 
싱가폴 트리플분들 감사해요...
Ah.. I couldn't stop crying (Tears still flowing down my face.T.T.) I can't say anything. Thank you Singapore TripleS.

7) 2HJ
너무 좋네요ㅠㅠㅠ 해외트리플분들...너무 감동이에요ㅎㅎㅎ
I really like it. Overseas TripleS. They are so touching.

8) 형사변다
작사도, 작곡도, 합창도 그리고 편집도... 
정말 감동입니다.
Lyrics, Composition, Chorus and Editing Videio are really touching.

9) 영심이ㅋ
너무 감동적이고 노래도 좋고.....아자꾸 눈물난다
I'm in tears. It's really touching and nice song. Teary again.

10) 보노생
눈물나네요 ㅠㅠ 우아.. 감동입니다..... 노래의 가사가 좋네요.. ㅎ
I'm moved to tears. I love the lyrics.

11) DoubleS
우와 ㅠㅠ 싱가폴팬분들이 만든 저 영상 대박이네요........ 
단순히 영상을 만든게 아니라 작사작곡에 노래까지 직접 팬들이 불르셨고...대박이네요... 
이거 팬미팅때 공개된 거 인가요? 무튼 저거 보면 형준오빠 또 울텐데...>< 
가사가 참.........진짜 와닿네요; 가사 잘쓰신 거 같다능.....뭉클 ㅠㅠ
That video made by SGfans is Daebak. They composed the song and wrote the lyrics and sang a song by themselves. Great. Is it shown at HJB's Fan meeting??? Hyoung Joon would have cried if he saw that video.
THe lyrics touched my heart. They wrote lyrics very well.. So touching. T.T.

12) 꿀규종
우와.. 싱가포르팬분들 진짜 영상 너무감동적이네요.. 
내딛는걸음마다 최선을 다하는 그대이기에 세상은 당신의 재능을 알게 될거에요. 
오빠 ! 힘내요! 아자아자^^*
Wow~ Dear Singapore Fans. Your video is really moving.
With every step, you try your best, The world will see your gifts Oppa. Cheer up! AjaAja~

13) 5060ss 
싱가포르 팬분들 진짜 영상 감동이다 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 
노래도 직접부르고 우와~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
뭔가 가슴에서 찡하고 울리네요 진짜 ............ 
눈물나요 그 팬분들의 사랑이 너무나 이뻐서 ...저도 이런데 
오빠가 이영상보면 어떨까요ㅜㅜ
Singapore Fans' video is so touching. T.T.T.
They sang a song. Wow~~It touched my heart. I'm in tears. Your love is so beautiful. I can't imagine when HJB watch this video. T.T. 

14) yepp!!
와 싱가폴 팬분들이 만드신 영상 너무 감동적이에요 ㅠㅠ 
눈물이 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 직접 노래도 부르시고 대박 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 
가사도 너무 와 닿아요. 정말 팬들의 마음 ㅠㅠ 
이런 영상 볼수 있게 해주셔서 너무 감사해요.
Wow~ Singapore Fans' video is so touching. T.T.T. Teary T.T. They sang a song by themsevles. DaeBak. T.T.
The Lyrics touched my heart. True Fans' mind. T.T> Thank you for sharing the video.

15) gio1003
와..이거 정말 최고인데요 ........ 
싱기폴팬분들 너무너무 감동스럽네요....가사가 정말 우리팬들 마음 그대로 하나로 통일 된듯한 
제가 다 감사하네요....최고입니다 !!! 우리 막내 정말 행복하겠어요^^
Wow~ This is the best.
Singapore Fans. This is so touching. The lyrics showed our mind intactly. I wanna say Thank you. It's the best. Our Maknae must be very happy with it.

16) glam
아우 너무 감동이에요 ㅠㅠㅠ 
싱가폴에서 즐겁게 팬미팅 한거같아서 제가 다 기분이 좋네요 ^^
Wow It's so touching. T.T. I'm so happy for that HJB had a great time at his Fan meeting in SG.

17) 뿌까
저 영상 진짜 감동이네요~~~ㅜㅜ 음치인 저로썬 ㅋㅋㅋ
This video is really touching. T.T. I'm tone-deaf. kekeke

18) 럽야현중
김형중 ~~~~~넘 아낀다 
싱가폴을 후려잡고 와!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hyung Joon~~ I love you. Make Singapore get fascinated by you.!!!!

19) 규툰고백
영상 너무 감동적이예요. 눈물나요진짜ㅠㅠ 
가사가 정말, 팬들의 마음이 느껴집니다
It's really moving video. I'm in tears. T.T. I can feel their mind through the lyrics.

20) 501m
Really touched. T.T. They are capable people. TripleS. kekeke

21) 세상은 더블 
진짜 가사와 함께 폭풍감동이...ㅜㅜ 
진짜 잘만드신거 같아요!!
Really touched with the lyrics. T.T. It's well-made video.

22) 안녕님
역시,세계 어디건 팬들의 마음은 다 똑같은것같아요,ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 
완전감동ㅠㅠㅠㅠ그대는 우리의 빛ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Wherever we live, all we have a same feeling. T.T. Really touched. T.T. You are our light. T.T.

23) S.T.01
우와..............싱가폴 팬분들.......역시 완두콩..... 
진짜.........너무 잘만드셧어요...... 노래도 진짜 잘만드셧구 
가사도 너무감동적이구 노래도 너무잘하시네요....... 
진짜.......같은 팬이봐도 저렇게 감동적인데 형준오빠는 얼마나 
감동적이였을까요...?? 형준오빠 또 우셧겠어요~ㅠ_ㅠㅎㅎ
Wow~ Singapore Fans are real green peas too. You made it. It's well made song. The lyrics are so touching. Hyung Joon must have cried.

24) 팔계#
헐 팬분들이 부른노래...진심 감동먹었어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ소름끼쳐요 진짜ㅠㅠ이거 앨범냈음조켔어요ㅋㅋㅋ
Oh~ Nice Fan song. So touched. T.T. I got goose bumps. How about releasing this song? kekeke

25) 알라뷰501
우와,,,정말 너무너무감동적이라 눈물이 ㅠㅠㅠ 역시 완두콩,,,
Wow~ It' really really touching so I got tears. T.T. Great Green peas.

26) Ms.Lee
인터뷰 영상 재밌네요. 형준군 영어 잘 하네요. 그럼그럼 준비된 스탄데. 
팬미팅 유쾌하게 잘 마친거 같아 안심이 됩니다. 빨리 활동 시작~~~!!! 
싱가폴팬들께 감사드립니다. 어쩜 저렇게 아름다운 목소리로 아름다운 
작품을 만드셨어요? 감동받았어요. 멀리서건 언어가 다르건, 시차가 있건간에 
한사람을 두고 수많은 사람이 같은 생각을 하고있다는 사실이 경이롭네요. 
형준군이 더 열심히, 더 훌륭한 가수로, 연기자로 성장해야할 이유가 될것 같습니다. 
정말 우리 트리플은 진짜 한국이건 해외건 이렇게 예쁘고 맑은 심성을 가졌다는게 
정말 자랑스러워요. 김형준, 트리플에스 모두모두 흥하자!!!
Thank you Singapore Fans. How can you make such a wonderful video with such a beautiful voice? Really touched. Although you live very far and speak different language, it's amazing that all we have same thought about one person. This is the reason that Hyung Joon will be growing up up to be more wonderful singer. I'm so proud of TripleS who have beautiful mind not only from Korean but also from overseas.
Kim Hyung Joon and Triple S. Fighting!

27) bambi
혼자서 해외에서 서는 무대에 이렇게 많은 사랑 보여주셔서 싱가폴 팬분들 감사하네요!ㅎ 
형준이가 정말 많은 힘이 되었을것 같아요+_+ㅋㅋ
Thank you SG fans for your huge love for HJB who hold a solo stage in overseas. I'm sure it must've been very supportive to HJB.

28) 바람
어쩜 싱가폴팬분들 대단하시네요~~~가사가 진짜 마음에 와닿게 딱딱맞아요!!!
Oh my. Singapore Fans are great. The Lyrics are same as my mind.

29) 데엥
우와............싱가폴 팬분들 진짜 대단하세요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 
으헉 제가 다 감동이에요 ... 우리의 빛, 우리의 스타... 
진짜 가사하나하나가 다 감동입니다ㅠㅠ존경스러워요
Wow~ Singapore Fans are really awesome.T.T. I'm so touched. Our light, Our star. Every word is touching. I admire their effort..

30) 더블홧팅
와~~~~ 완전 대박이네요!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 싱가폴 트리플 너무 멋있어요....ㅋㅋ 형준이 이거 보구 또 완전 감동했겠네~~~~~
Wow~ Really Daebak. SG Triples are wonderful. keke. Hyung Joon must've been touched.

31) 영날생드
노래너무잘하세요...이거 형준이봤으면펑펑울엇을텐데... 
Wow really Daebak. T.T, They sang very well. Hyung Joon would cry if he watched it. so touching. T.T.

32) 잠뽀인영
싱가폴 팬분들 정말 너무 너무 고마워요... 
진짜 그 말밖에 할말이 없네요... 
형준이한테 많은 힘이 되었을꺼 같아요. 정말 너무나도 고마워요
Thank you SG fans. really really Thank you. That's all I can say. It must've been very supportive to HJB. Really Thank you.

33) 빅토리아501
우리쭌이 해외파였지?! 형준이 아이고 멋지다!! 싱가포르팬분들 완전 감동적인 영상 대박이네요!! 
쭌이 행복했겠다!!
Our JJuni was from overseas.!! (HJB lived in Australia when he was teenager) Aigo, Hyung Joon is really awesome. Singapore Fans, you girls are great. It's really nice video. JJun must've been happy with it.

34) 느와르
폭풍감동ㅜㅜ...가사도 정말 와닫고^^ 
싱가폴 트리플S분들의 애정이 느껴지네요ㅜㅜ 
형준오빠가 꼭 봤으면 하는 정말 멋진 영상이네요...
Really touched. T.T The lyrics touched my heart. ^^ I can feel SG TripleS' love. T.T.Hyung Joon must watch this.

35) 백구55
우와 노래도 좋고 감동 적이네요 T^T 
한국이나 싱가폴이나 팬 마음은 다 똑같은가봐요~
Wow~ Nice song and so touching. T.T. Whether you are from Korea or Singapore, we, fans have same mind.

36) 갱지양
노래 너무 좋네요 ㅠㅠ 
한국에서도 이런 선물 줄수 있었으면... 하기도하고 ㅠㅠ 
싱가폴 팬분들께 너무 감사해요 정말 저희 마음 그대로네요 ㅠㅠ 
너무 해주고싶던말... 꼭 큰 힘이되었을거에요 정말 감사해요
I love this song. T.T. I wish we could give this kind of gifts to him. T.T. Thank you SG Fans. Your video is just what we think of him. T.T It is what we really wanted to say to him. I'm sure it was helpful for him. Really Thank you. 

37) 기다림
싱가포르 팬분들 감사해요... 
영상도 좋고 노래도 너무 좋네요.....감동받았어요.. 
정말 사람 마음은 다 똑같은 가봐요.. 
몇번이나 다시보게 되네요ㅎ 
형준이도 분명 감동 받았을 거예요.. 
정말 감사합니다..^^
Thank you SG fans. I really love your video and song. So touched.Everybody has same feelings. I watched it again & again. I'm sure Hyung Joon must've been touched. Really Thank you.

38) 와우현
노래 좋네요~~~ 아 감동적이에요!! 큰 힘이 되었을 겁니다~
I love this song. Ah~ so touched. I think it must be supportive to HJB.

39) 다브리
영상에 나와있는 가사가 어쩜 나라를 막론하고 똑같은 맘인지 신기하네요 ^^ 
어디서나 진심어린 사랑받는 김형준이사님.. 행복해서 또 울컥했겠어요. 이런 울컥은 언제나 좋죠! 
이제 영어 일어 2개국어 조금씩 하는거 완전하게 다잡을 일만 남았나요?? 다방면 여러나라에서 활동할 
계획이니 완벽하게 준비하는 김이사님이였으면 하고 바래봅니다.
It's marvelous that the lyrics of the video shows our mind which is same as SG Fans' one. Beloved Director Kim Hyung Joon. I know you were very happy with this video. I know you try hard to improve your English & Japanese. I hope you will prepare well for your variety promotion in many contries.

40) 5060ss
형준오빠가 보셨군요 싱가포르 트리플 팬분 알려주셔서 고맙습니다.^^Oh Hyung Joon watched it. Thank you SGTripleS for letting me know it.

Friday, September 3, 2010

[2010.08.29] HJB- Singapore Press Interview

sigh.. Baby is so sweet and cute everytime answering questions.. really really love him for it.. COME BACK TO SINGAPORE AGAIN BABY!!!

Credit: poohlhl@YT

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OH OH AND I LOVE THIS NEWS REPORT (XINMSN NEWS ARTICLE) about Baby's fan meet cos cos it got pics of me inside..haha. I love the picture. Excerpt Below:



[2010.09.01] HJB Radio FM 1003 Singapore interview broadcast

Sigh,, really missed Baby so much after his showcase on 29 August. The below is the broadcast of his pre-recorded radio interview during his short stay in singapore from 28 to 30 August. Baby is really so sweet to say all these sweet stuff to us fans.. MARRY ME BABY!!! keke...

Credit: poohlhl@YT

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Friday, August 6, 2010

[2010.08.01] HJB 23d Birthday Party

Sigh,, so sad I cannot join in Baby's birthday party on 1 August in Seoul. Heard there's 2000 people who attended... and guess what!!! Mal, Kyu  and YoungSaeng all came to congratulate him..sigh.. So touching!! And I must really thank all the fans who took fan cams of the party to share with the fans like us who cannot attend... This is my most favourite one with Mal..keke. he gave a surprise to Baby.. initially started with Video saying he cannot come and then suddenly appear and and.. watch on..keke to see what he did..haha..

CREDITS: SmileJuhan@Youtube.

And Baby's self cam at the party
CREDITS: Shirbogurl5@Youtube

Sunday, July 25, 2010

[2009] HyungJun at Music High with SS501 Members

Was looking through some Music HIgh webcams of DJ Jun and found Eng subs of when DJ Jun was with the other members on Music High.. keke.. Just felt like reposting them and keep as memories.. Sigh,, I really wish they would be on a show together soon...

CREDITS: Reena29shadow@Youtube
1) With Kyu Jong

2) With JungMin

Saturday, July 17, 2010

[2010.06.30] Hyung Jun on Love Game Radio Show

Thanks to SS501fighting.wordpress for sharing this radio show of Baby with the host. Sigh,, lucky noona, get to take close pictures with BABY! How I wish I can be her.. sigh..

Credit: crazynoona501@YT+eng sub by crazynoona+chi sub by crazy501
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[2010.07.13] HyungJun Sings Let me be the one at Music High

WAH!!! Live singing of Let me be the one by BABY and it SOUNDS GREAT! Just like the original recorded one. Anyways, am sure everyone knows Baby's singing powess..keke.. LET ME BE THE ONE BABY!!! Thanks to SS501fighting.wordpress for sharing.

Credit: crazynoona501@YT+eaudio clip taken from Prettyboy (kimhyungjun.kr)
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[2010.07.17] HyungJun Sings "Curry" by Norazo at Music High

Thanks to SS501fighting.wordpress for sharing.. URGGGH!!! Everytime I always miss Baby's music high whenever he sings such Ohgeul songs.. I was lying on the bed preparing to listen to DJ Jun's Music high when when I just fell asleep!! AH!!! So tired nowadays with new job.. But well, at least now I can listen to DJ Jun everytime I need encouragement.. THANKS BABY!

Credit: 芝麻貓@MA501.TW+mimozma @YT
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Saturday, July 10, 2010

[2010.07.10]HyungJun Singing "Already one year" at Music High

I really miss DJ Jun.. Was supposed to listen to Music High on 10 Jul but fell asleep while waiting..hiaz.. but am thankful for SS501fighting.wordpress.com for sharing this audio upload of DJ Jun singing "Already one year" by Brown Eyes. Finally, start to hear the cheery voice and singing of cute DJ JUN. BABY FIGHTING!!!


Saturday, July 3, 2010

[2010.06.26] HyungJun Sings Sistar-Push Push at Music High

keke,, our Baby at it again on Saturday segment of Jjun Dj's Ohgeulsong... I hope to hear our happy Baby again at Music High soon. STAY HAPPY AND CHEERY BABY!!! Thanks to SS501fighting.wordpress.com for providing the info.

CREDITS: Hyunglove@YT

[2010.07.01] HyungJun Crying about Park Yong Ha at Music High

It's very sad news that Park Yong Ha, the second male lead of Winter Sonata, who is famous as actor/singer and active in Japan, committed suicide. Apparently, Baby are very good friends with Park Yong Ha. From what I understand, it was because when SS501 went to Japan to debut under Pony Canyon, Park Yong Ha was in Japan under the same agency, and took good care of the boys. Baby became close to Park Yong Ha.

Hence, Baby was devastated and cried at Music High. BABY, CHEER UP! Mr Park, rest in peace and may your soul rest in heaven.

CREDITS: Poohhl@YT+ SS501fighting.wordpress.com

Friday, July 2, 2010

[2010.06.26] HyungJun+JungMin at Red Carpet Golden Melody Award

well,, since I missed them at airport arrival, I tell myself, I must die die go to the red carpet and catch a glimps of them if possible. I didn't go and queue early at noontime in the hot sun and waited all the way till around 6.45pm when the red carpet ceremony ends, unlike the rest of the faithful TWTS. My main purpose in taipei is still to relax and go shopping with my friend and cousin.

So, anyways, my cousin and friend gamely accompany me to the Taipei Xiao Ju Dan after our shopping at XiMen Ding. I guess my cousin and friend can't stand it when I keep pestering them throughout the shopping trip about how the boys are here now, etc.. so they just went with me.keke..

Anyways, I wasn't too optimistic. I only went down at around 5.30pm when the red carpet started. I would have expected big crowds there already. And matters were made worse when it started to rain.. AH,,, reminds me of our Pi Boys..(Boys who bring the rain).. I was praying they would not cancel the red carpet. My friend said will not cos the news say that the organiser has prepared umbrellas in case it rained but red carpet will still go on.

Well, anyways, as expected, I can't find any space along the red carpet walkway. It's filled with umbrellas and people.. Am glad to see green balloons, the TWTS there with poster.. (After the ceremony, my friend told me that there are aunties in purple with well prepared purple balloons and props, more well organised and ahem, than our green peas who were not wearing green but just carrying some posters and green balloons. That's when I found out they were Hsiao Jing Teng's fans. My friend branded me in that age category and told  me bluntly that I can't fight with all the Xiao Mei Meis in TWTS..sigh..)

Anyways, I was about to give up when my friend egged me on and say what kind of fan I am who gives up easily. I should just go out in the rain, buy raincoat or even stay out in the rain for my favourite. After their egging, I decided to just follow those men in tuxedos carrying umbrellas for the stars and left my friend and cousin in the shade. That's when I found myself in a spot near where the cars would drop off the stars. Well, I decided to just stay out in the rain with my small umbrella and camera and just wait there.. since that's the best view I can get of them, even though it's back view. At least I'm not blocked and it's not cramped.

Each star just get off the car but a bit frustrating cos they got off the other side of the car facing the stage and I can only see their backview. I can't even tell who some of them were. The rain was getting heavier and heavier and my bag was drenched while I tried my hardest to protect my new camera. I thought since I'm here, I would just stay till the end, even though I can only see their back view.

The rain was very heavy and sky was getting dark. I can't really make out who was in the cars that were lining up to drop off celebrities. I had a hunch the boys will be in the last few cars. Then, I don't know why, I suddenly had a look at one of the car, and a hunch that Baby was looking out the window. Although it was dark, I can make out his face. I was very excited.. Then as the car drove into the light to wait to drop them off, I was even more convinced it was baby and WAH!! I saw him looking out. and he was facing my side.. AHHH!!! Well, to me, I was very lucky..

Lucky still was he was a curious baby who kept looking out the window so I can see him.. and then lucky still, I thought he would get off the other side of the car like the rest, but somehow he just got off the other side facing me.. AH!!! at least I managed to catch a glimpse of him getting off the car.. They were very friendly, preferring to carry their own umbrella unlike other stars and also shaking hands with the fans as they went up the red carpet.

Although after that it was backview all the way, I was still very happy to get some shots of Baby even though it's very short. I rush back up and I can't see them at all being interviewed at the reporters side cos all the fans were cramping up front and screaming Double S Oh Gong Il. To me, they were indeed the star of the night. So, I only took vid of the big screen.

Anyways, they turn around to wave to the fans and then went back in. And WHOOH, suddenly there are lots of space in front of us at the red carpet pathway. All the fans were gone and rush back into the concert hall since some of them bought tickets. A bit embarrassing that the next one to come after them was Zhang Hui Mei, the queen of Taiwan Pop. My cousin, who's a taiwanese insisted on staying behind to support Zhang Hui Mei who came up red carpet. She told me being taiwanese should support local talents instead of running away after Korean stars. Well, honestly, it's true. So I also stayed behind.

Ah Mei was very friendly. She shake hands with some fans and stay around the fans' area. Most embarassing was Na Ying who was last to come up red carpet. All of a sudden the screen showed ending and she had to run up the the red carpet in the heavy rain. Fans were little. Ah Mei, being the nice lady, helped to wipe the rain from Na Ying's face. Anyways, what it showed me was the magnamosity of Ah Mei.

WEll, that's my story and KUDOS to my dear friend and cousin who actually stayed out in the rain throughout the 1 and a half hour just to wait for the boys to appear. .. keke..

Below are the vid I took of Baby.keke.. (Sorry, Mal was facing the other side of car so I didn't manage to film him)

CREDIT: Chrystal@SGTripleS Pls give proper credits when reposting.

Other Fancams:
Red Carpet 1: (MaxYHJKpop@YT+SS501fighting.wordpress.com)

Red Carpet 3: (TripleSOverSea2010@YT+SS501fighting.wordpress.com)

Red Carpet 4: (AmuletHJ@YT+SS501fighting.wordpress.com)

After eating at restaurant: (realized0326@YT+SS501fighting.wordpress.com)

Actual Golden Melody Award Broadcast

Baby and JungMin were the first presenter at the ceremony. After they presented, they just left. I guess it's a big disappointment to the TS who actually bought tickets to the ceremony to see the boys. Moreover, it's a bit boring in a sense, we don't see any jokes being cracked much with the boys.. Was actually hoping to see Xiao S disturbing them but I guess they were backstage preparing for their next performance...

Whatever, our boys are still very dashing with their megawatt smile and friendliness. As you all can see, they had to bend down cos mic is too low for them..keke.. they are too tall or maybe organiser purposely did this to them? Or they are just plain too nice to make sure their voice can be heard? keke.. LOVE OUR BOYS!

Taiwan Golden Melody Awards red carpet: by smile@TW★(smilejuhan@YT)

Award ceremony (without sub): by shu351511 @YT

Award ceremony (Eng sub): by mangosorbet@YT

[2010.06.25] HyungJun+JungMin at Taipei for Golden Melody Awards

oki.. story goes that I am being forced to take 4 days of leave in June. Now, urm,, where do I go and when? and that's when I decided to go to Taipei from 24 June to 29 June. Why? Well, urm,, let's say the decision is also helped by the fact that we found out that SS501 is going to be the guest presenter at Taiwan's Golden Melody Awards.

Now as the date gets nearer, suddenly, the chances of seeing them in Taipei grows dimmer as news start spreading that Leader is not going (He went to Philippines for a performance then vacation).  With the sensitive period about whether the boys will continue on together and renew their contract with DSP, it's also dimmer that they may not go to Taipei. But but, I'm very very glad when it's confirmed that Baby and JungMin will be going.. keke.. cos hor, Baby is my favourite mah..

But still a disappointment as they are not going to perform since not all the 5 boys are present. Also, when I found out that I'm not so lucky like last time in Taipei to be on same time arrival as the boys at airport, I was disappointed. They will only arrive on  25 June and will be leaving on 27 June. So, hor, no chance to see them close up..sigh.. My poor friend (who's a non TS) has to keep listening to me talking about Baby throughout this trip.. but well at least the feeling that I'm in the same country during that period as them makes it better.. but I don't deny that I do have the impulses to go to airport to see them arriving and also send them off.. but well, from the clips below, I'm glad I did not cos there's still so many fans to support them. Well, happy for them that they still has so many Taiwan fans despite not everyone is present.. but sad that I can't have them all to myself..keke..

 Credit: ying5387isme6 @YT
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Baby+JungMin arriving in Taipei airport per CTI news reported. 

Lucky whichever Fan that managed to get such close up and signature of the boys!!! SIGH!! So envious!!

Credit: bijkcat@YT+SS501fighting.wordpress.com

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Baby+ Jungmin arriving at Taipei airport on 25 June

Baby leaving Taipei for Seoul on 27 June

Baby and Jungmin Arriving at Taipei Grand Hyatt Hotel.
Credit: eg2621@YT+SS501fighting.wordpress.com

Sunday, June 13, 2010

[2010.06.05] HyungJun Music High- Sings SJ Bonamana

AH... Am so glad that some kind souls actually uploaded Baby's Music high recordings.. Have missed out on a lot.. Here, DJ Jun as usual entertain us into the wee hours of the morning with,,,,,,, Super Junior's new song Bonamana.. YEAH!!!

Credit: poohhl@YT+SS501fighting.wordpress.com
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[2010.06.09]SS501@Star Q10

I think it's another variety show talking about boy bands and SS501 is featured. No time yet to see this as it's unsubbed. Hope the sub version comes out soon.

Credit: WWloveHJL3@YT+ehfls.egloos.com+SS501fighting.wordpress.com
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Saturday, June 12, 2010

[2010.06.12] HyungJun on Music High sings MBLAQ’s “Y”

Sigh,, long time never listen to Music High so am collating any cute voice of our DJ Jun!!! Missed him so much. He's so busy nowadays with the Comeback performances. Must be pretty tired.. and yet got to appear cheery on MH.. AWWWWW BABY FIGHTING!!!!

Credit: poohhl@YT
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