DSP- Boys message and Notices

Friday, July 2, 2010

[2010.06.25] HyungJun+JungMin at Taipei for Golden Melody Awards

oki.. story goes that I am being forced to take 4 days of leave in June. Now, urm,, where do I go and when? and that's when I decided to go to Taipei from 24 June to 29 June. Why? Well, urm,, let's say the decision is also helped by the fact that we found out that SS501 is going to be the guest presenter at Taiwan's Golden Melody Awards.

Now as the date gets nearer, suddenly, the chances of seeing them in Taipei grows dimmer as news start spreading that Leader is not going (He went to Philippines for a performance then vacation).  With the sensitive period about whether the boys will continue on together and renew their contract with DSP, it's also dimmer that they may not go to Taipei. But but, I'm very very glad when it's confirmed that Baby and JungMin will be going.. keke.. cos hor, Baby is my favourite mah..

But still a disappointment as they are not going to perform since not all the 5 boys are present. Also, when I found out that I'm not so lucky like last time in Taipei to be on same time arrival as the boys at airport, I was disappointed. They will only arrive on  25 June and will be leaving on 27 June. So, hor, no chance to see them close up..sigh.. My poor friend (who's a non TS) has to keep listening to me talking about Baby throughout this trip.. but well at least the feeling that I'm in the same country during that period as them makes it better.. but I don't deny that I do have the impulses to go to airport to see them arriving and also send them off.. but well, from the clips below, I'm glad I did not cos there's still so many fans to support them. Well, happy for them that they still has so many Taiwan fans despite not everyone is present.. but sad that I can't have them all to myself..keke..

 Credit: ying5387isme6 @YT
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Baby+JungMin arriving in Taipei airport per CTI news reported. 

Lucky whichever Fan that managed to get such close up and signature of the boys!!! SIGH!! So envious!!

Credit: bijkcat@YT+SS501fighting.wordpress.com

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Baby+ Jungmin arriving at Taipei airport on 25 June

Baby leaving Taipei for Seoul on 27 June

Baby and Jungmin Arriving at Taipei Grand Hyatt Hotel.
Credit: eg2621@YT+SS501fighting.wordpress.com

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