DSP- Boys message and Notices

Saturday, May 1, 2010

[2010.05.01]HyungJun- Music High on 1st May10

keke,, love to listen to Baby's Music High. ah,, so sweet this time,, HE revealed that he's someone who's open about his feelings for another and how he actually will tell his ex-girlfriend in the past that he misses her if he really did.. ah.. so sweeeettt...(keke, at this stage, when I know it's "Ex" I was hoping.. YEAH!! BAby is still single keke)

And he also talked about how he can't cook and he likes girls who can cook.. AH!! For Baby I would do it for him..keke.. and how he would have difficulty feeding his children since he can't cook.. AHHHH BAby,, it's ok.. I will feed OUR CHILDREN!!! keke. (Even though I know nuts about cooking,,but but I can learn..keke)

oh.. he did mentioned that as the other 4 boys were busy, it's too bad all the 5 of them cannot be together on Music High today which is 501 day ie the day when they are making their comeback with their new album..keke..

LAstly, he sang 2PM Heartbeat.. keke.. as usual, Baby's singing really brings Music High back to life at 2am Korean time.keke..

Below is the singing of 2PM Heartbeat uploaded on YT.:
Credit: mangosorbet@YT+clip from prettyboy (kimhyungjun.kr)

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