DSP- Boys message and Notices

Monday, April 4, 2011

[2011.04.03] PJM- Birthday Party with Baby as special guest

OMO! Again the Tom n Jerry cute couple. This time, it's Jungmin's birthday and Baby surprised him as the special guest. Thanks to liezle for sharing the vids and tweets on her blog. They are so cute together! I sometimes wonder if it's an agreement between the two agencies to have each other as special guests..keke.. Baby last year's birthday party also had Jungmin as special guest..haha.. and they boboed! haha.. When I ask Lois if they boboed this time round, this is her reply

"Actually they didn't bobo. haha. They said they wouldn't bobo any more.but Baby just boboed to JM's hand. LOL"

And I love the second vid because the fan chants are so loud even the pretty boy videographer say "WHOA".. Look at Baby's bright smile. He looks so happy. He just needs cheers from fans.. Hopefully when he comes to Singapore, Singapore fans can show him the passion like the Koreans.   

And of course the Tom n Jerry moments in the third and forth vid.. AWWWW.. Really love them together!!!
Sigh, if only they can come to Singapore together!!!

Thanks to shewen@0629 for sharing her tweets about this event live below:

- Jung Min singing 'Everyday is Christmas' and changing the Christmas to Birthday

- JungMin's time with 8 fans who received hugs and had some very special moment with him
- Jung Min and Hyung Jun on stage dancing to the chorus of 'oH! aH!'
- Hyung Jun called Jung Min 'Mal'
- Jung Min asking Hyung Jun for present and Hyung Jun telling him that he can't give and JM walked away. ^^
- Jung Min and Hyung Jun hugged
-During fans interaction with fans JM said that he doesn't have any girlfriend at the moment.
- Hyung Jun asking JM who he loves the most ^^
- JM talked about the Anan Magazine (half naked photoshoot) and Hyung Jun saying if it's photoshopped. ^^
- Hyung Jun carrying Jung Min while JM hooking his arm to HJB like a koala bear.
- Fans asking them to kiss and Hyung Jun said kiss again? ^^
- There was a fan made video in which JM watch on the stage floor then Hyung Jun came out to watch together with him.
- JM wrote a letter to fans which he read
- Last song was he sang was 'Do You Know?'
- At the end of the event MV of 'Like Tears Are Flowing' was played.

And Tom n Jerry photo moments!! Thanks to liezle for sharing on her blog.

From Pretty Boy

From Flightwing89

From Media

Thanks also to Slam10's tweets

Will u marry me?? Now u may kiss my hand.  on Twitpic

And below is the letter from Jungmin read out to the Fans. THANKS to Lois for sharing and translating on her blog loiskr.blogspot.com

CREDITS: loiskr.blogspot.com for translating and sharing. Pls do NOT repost without proper credits.
친애하는 당신네들에게.

이렇게 편지를 쓰는 것이 손발이 조금 오그라들기는 하지만
그래도 마음을 전하는 것중 가장 좋은 방법은 편지라 생각하여
항상 받는 편지를 오늘만큼은 제가 적으려고 합니다.
지금 시각 4월 3일 새벽 2시 46분.
잠이 오지 않는군요.
일단 데뷔 이래 처음 하는 생일에 와주신 여러분들.
진심으로 감사... 감사... 감사할머니다.
많은 노력과 걱정속에 낫얼론 솔로 앨범을 내고
그리고 앨범을 발표 하는데 가장 힘이 되어주는 우리 트리플S.
나보다 나를 더 사랑해주는 당신들이 있기에 더 힘낼수 있었고.
감사 감사 감사할머니다.
여러분들도 저를 보며 하루하루를 웃으면서 살아갈 수 있게
여러분의 웃음꽃이 되도록 노력할게요.
앞으로 더 열심히 하는 그런 정민이가 될게요.
많이 응원해 주고 기다려줘요.
이제 정말 오그라 드는 말을 할려고 하는데 과연 할 수있을까?
하..난 이런말 익숙치 않은데 할수 있을까?
하면 반응이 나올까?
내 마음이 잘 전달이 될까?
모두의 웃음속에 나의 마음이 잘 전해지지 않는게 아닐까?
하... 모르겠다.
지금 이 목소리를 듣고 있는 당신네들.

우하하하하하 우우하하하하하하
Dear you guys.
I feel shrink my hands and feet to write a letter to you.
I always receive letters from you but I'll write it by myself today.
cause I think writing a letter is the best way to show you my heart.
It's 2:26 am on April 3 now. I can't fall asleep.
First of all, Thank you, Thank you for coming to my birthday party, which is held for the first time after my debut.
I released my solo Album Not Alone with many efforts and worries.
And...our TripleS who give me the most strength to release my album.
Because of you who love me more than I love myself, I could cheer up.
(I can't hear this part. sorry)
I really appreciate it.
I'll make an effort to be your smile flower so that you can keep on smiling everyday in your life because of me.
I'll do my best now and forever. Please support & wait for me.
and...now...I'm going to say something makes me curl up.
But can I do that? oh. I'm not used to saying this word. But can I?
Will you react to my word? Is it availabe to deliver my sincerity to you?
I'm afraid you may not think I'm serious and you just laugh.
Ah~ I have no idea.
To you who is listening to my voice now,

And below is the fan account of another fan who went to the party, shared by lois on her blog.

CREDITS: 3sprincess.blogspot.com

This weekend was a total surprise to me! I had reserved myself to the idea that I couldn't go to JungMin's birthday party-then out of the blue I get a text message from a friend saying she had an extra ticket! I was so excited because I had an aweful day before I got the text. I went to Seoul on Saturday and had a great day, then church Sunday. My friend and I parted ways after church-she went to buy us the DeJa Vu Single (can you believe it! I have been a fan for 2 years and still didnt have this CD-FAIL!)and-I headed to Konkuk University to meet my Korean friend for the party. I met my friend and 2 girls from Singapore then we tried to find the venue!

We arrived at 240pm and the party started at 3! The MC came out and was acting silly, then he introduced JungMin! Jungmin came out in white pants, a blue shirt, and a black/white tie. We sang Sangil Chukha (happy birthday) to him-then he cut his cake-with a huge knife! He then started looking at his presents! There were a lot-as expected. I didn't take anything because i didn't realize that I could! I did however, take something for friend. She drew a picture for him and wrote him a letter. It was very nice!

He then answered five questions from the audience (questions may be out of the correct order):
1. question: will you take a picture with my camera?
answer: the girl came on stage and gave him her camera but she was too shy to be in the picture with him! He finally took a self cam of the 2 of them together-then gave her a gift bag full of cosmetics

2. question-do you like horses?
answer-yes I am taking horse back riding lessons now (he then gives the girl a gift bag!)

3. question: Will you kiss me?
answer: girl comes on stage and they face each other-he hugs her then blows her a kiss. The audience got jealous so he blew kisses to all of us as well!

4. question: will you write your name with your butt and give a heart greeting?
answer: he tells us to sing to him so while we sing-he writes his name and a heart with his butt!

5. question: will you marry me?
answer: when the girl comes up on stage he runs across the stage-picks her up swings her in circles around the stage! So cute!

all the girls got a hug and gift bag! He then sung "Everyday is Christmas" but changed "Christmas" to "birthday"! They then did the game that they do in Korea for a baby's first birthday. They put a bunch of objects on a table. Whichever object he chooses-will determine his future. I don' remember all the objects but there was a doll to represent a girlfriend, a key, and a few other things-but they forgot money! So they asked the audience if they would give JungMin some money. One girl did but when he found out that she was a student- he said to give it back! Then another lady gave 10,000 won. He then said his family was there (they were sitting in the row in front of me!) The MC found them and JungMins dad gave 30,000 won for the game. Then it was time for the game! Anyone who has been a SS501 fan for any amount of time-knows that JungMin LOVES money! He would pick up an object, then the money and he kept repeating the process! I looked at my friend and said he should just pick up the whole table and sure enough-thats what he did!

They then played a game to find his ideal woman (to bad MinnieMe wasn't there!) 16 girls were called on stage and given mask to put on. The girls came up in groups of two and stood in front of JungMin -facing away from him (he wasn't allowed to see their faces!). One girl would move on to the next round and the other was eliminated! The girl that was eliminated got a flower and a hug-so either way it was a win win situation for those 16 lucky fans! When it got down to the final 2 he waved back and forth between the 2 girls. He gave one an elimination flower and then went up behind the winner and gave her a hug from behind! As her reward she got to take a self cam pic of them together with her cell phone and a 10 second video message to her from JungMin!

Then this kid named Justin came out on stage to sing. I was very disappointed in the fans at this point. People got up and was walking around and talking-totally ignoring the guy singing! Then the MC came on stage and said something about a friend being there and everybody started yelling for Kim Hyung Joon! Baby Joon then came out and sung oh ah! He looked good! Then he yelled for JungMin to hurry up and get out there. JungMin came out looking extra sexy in jeans, a t-shirt and opened button down shirt. They talked a bit and the audience started chanting to kiss again! JungMin leaned over for Joonie to kiss but Joonie said no and stuck out his hand for Min to kiss him! Of course Min did! They then danced a little bit of the chorus to oh ah together. They talked about JungMins half naked magazine pics :) :) :)and it was suggested that Joonie do the same so JungMin tried to take Joonies shirt off-but he wouldn't do it! Joonie then left the stage and they showed a fanmade video for JungMins birthday. He was so cute and sat on the floor of the stage like an obedient child. At first there was only one body there-but by the end of the video-there were three (mc, JM, and HJB!) Jung//min then yelled at Joonie for coming back on stage again and told him to leave and to stay away from his cake. As Joonie left the stage, he went over to check out Min's presents. Min caught him and yelled at him. Joonie left the stage but tried to snoop three more times! Classic Tom/Jerry moment! Min then sung "am I the only one" (not sure of actual english translation of song title) Then they showed a video of JungMin thru the years with SS501 and solo to determine when he looked the sexiest-I thought they all looked good! Then it was over! I was sad~but wait there was more! Before leaving the stage, JungMin said something about high-touch. My friend said that meant high five. I thought she meant he was sending us a high five like he did with blowing us kisses earlier. They then started dismissing us by rows. I asked my friend why-and she said-"didn't you know? JungMin is giving us a high five as we leave!" I was shaking-I did not expect this! I finally got to him and he reached for both of my hands, interlaced his fingers with mine and started shaking our hands together. I told him happy birthday and he said "oh Thank You very much!" in english. I then told him that I was the one that has his rabbit Lapin. He didn't understand-smiled cutely-raised his eyebrows and questioned "pin?" I laughed and repeated "Lapin-I have Lapin" he was then like "oh Lapin-you have Lapin-ok-good!" Just to make sure he understood-my friend told him in Korean what I had said to him. We then moved the exit where there was a table. They gave us each a gift bag that had a poster, stickers, and a bag of candy that had a note from JungMin on the front of it. Once outside, there was a table selling special postcards so I had to buy a set for MinnieMe (and one for me of course!)I was shaking from excitement from finally meeting mr sexy charisma himself! @ down, 3 to go! Now I need to meet HJL, HJB, and my precious YoungSaeng! Some day my wish will come true! After the pary I went to dinner with 5 other triple S (and one of my best friends). We were a very international representation: USA, Canada, Korea, UK, and Singapore!

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